Monday, November 28, 2011

Life and conspiracy

For whatever reason, I have been reading a great deal of conspiracy information.  Of course the date 11 September is a big one.  That day has held the Munich Games Massacre in 1972, President Allende of Chile was assassinated on that day in 1973 and the multiple bombings in the RUSA were on that day in 2001.
Now I enjoy a good conspiracy and the above three certainly fit the mould.  The ultimate battle of conspiracy theories is to bring truth to light.  Conspiracy also brings an impact that breeds distrust, and for good reason.  To conspire is to deceive, hide, lie and cheat.  To me such activities are terrible for the purpose of building solid and peaceful societies.  Unfortunately there are those that believe otherwise.  If there were no such people that delved in deceptive acts, we would not have so many problems as we do today, alas we do.
For me the best information that a conspiracy theory holds is the impression it foists upon a certain group.  For example the last item on the list took place in 2001.  Now if we are to believe the conspiracy theory, we would have to believe in the fact that the government is an evil, uncaring, sadistic, war mongering entity.  Furthermore, even if you do not believe, you have to acknowledge the fact that a great many do.  Now, because a great many do believe in the conspiracy, that image is a reality and therefore true – for that sector of the population.
With that we have a sector of the population that is untrusting of government.  It is a healthy part of thinking that must question everything, otherwise you can never learn.  However what is being destroyed is the trust even when the absolute truth is being told.  When that situation occurs there are grave circumstances about to unfold.  This is where the corruption of minds and society take root and the first steps to violent war takes place.  This is where the spiral of deceit into the chaos of war and hell first plunge.
Wars are usually fought for reasons of past injuries.  When the war takes a physical form and blood is shed the entire world suffers.  The solution is difficult because most people will seek to kill the other.  What they are forgetting is that you cannot kill thought, which started the entire war to begin with.  On and on it goes, where it stops no one knows.
As we think about the past and mourn the losses incurred, we must think of how our actions will either fuel more hatred or build more trust.  From all the wars I have been involved in I can tell you that killing has rarely made a situation improve.  Killing another human is not something that I would want the youth to learn, witness or have a need to engage in.  As I think about that, I feel the same need that youth should feel a freedom to ask questions because they are curious.  In return, the answer they receive should be one that is truthful.  Lastly I would love to believe that no government is so evil as to have a desire to kill its own people for any reason, but I have seen such actions and I know the evil that exists in the world.
All I can say is that I wish every nation was able to be trusted and not feared.  Too bad we have to live with such insanity as to not be able to trust each other for fear of deceit and death.  Really, which countries do we trust?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Why we need governments.

Many times have I said that the people do in fact rule the world.  I have also stated many times that half the world is insane and at least, a quarter of the world is filled by uncaring, selfish, paranoid, power hungry individuals. With this combination we need to provide a system that can offer some sort of organizing factor.  Basically we need government to deal with all the assholes in society.  These people will do everything they can to be at the top of whatever ladder they feel a need to be atop.  In order to help control the assholes, society must build some sort of system. 
If you wanted a simple explanation of why governments are needed that is it.  Then the reality of that explanation comes into play.  The asshole that will do anything to get to the top will seek the top and give government a bad image.  As we sit here today that image is well polished as many a self - serving asshole has killed, robbed and spread fear to gain power, then retained it.
No matter what situation we look at the above statement can be applied – Syria, Egypt, DRC, Italy, Columbia, Canada, Russia, RUSA etc.  You may wonder why Canada is there; well the current government has shut down parliament twice in the past five years.  Not all that crazy compared to Egypt, Libya, DRC or Columbia but Canada is a slippery slope example.  However, other situations are more violent and the need for a more peaceful government is far greater than what Canada’s needs are.
From one atrocity to another, that has been the way life moves along in the Democratic Republic of Congo and we may see it rise again during the next elections.
At the beginning of November, opposition party rallies were violently broken up.  Vote buying is rampant, as the election draws near, 28 Nov 2011.  In the Eastern provinces of Kivu where much of the current violence take place, a known war criminal stands for election.   
Elections are a perfect time for cover ups due to the frenzy of excitement.  Even though communication around the world increases every day, the media is easily distracted and can be played like chess pieces.  Even more important is that the population of the world is tired of such reports, especially when Syria is on the verge of all out civil war.
The DRC is an important link to peace on the African continent.  The people can only dream of a day where peace was the normal way of life.  Even though most of us are not citizens of the DRC, the people there have endured a hellish world and we need to help them regain their country through peace.  Someday a child in the DRC will live without the chaos of violence.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


"Violence breeds violence. Now, unfortunately, Syria has come to a point of no return," as stated by Turkish President Abdullah Gul.  Certainly Syria is in a mess due to poor conflict management skills of both the government and the people.  The way forward will not go without many more deaths and for how long is unknown as well. 
In such circumstances the main goal is to end the chaos as soon as possible.  Shooting people and shouting threats will solve nothing here.  One side will have to do the unthinkable - be wise.  On another front of the Syrian situation we have the global response to deal with.
There is no shortage of leaders uttering statements about how to end the violence in Syria.  In an effort to help, governments discuss sanctions being levelled against Syria.  Putting sanctions on a country has a debateable impact and is often seen as being harmful to the average citizen more so than the governing party.  In theory sanctions are there to harm a country and they do yet why would a leader that is shooting civilians care if they starve?  That is the debate on sanctions.
Going further into the unrest in Syria, there is a regional concern.  This area where Syria lives has been a volatile environment for decades.  There are so many unknowns, such as Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Israel and Egypt.  Then of course just to add a nice flair of turmoil the two Mediterranean countries of Italy and Greece are not to stable as they sit on an edge as well. 
Out of all this chaos there needs to be a voice of unity, peace, hope and common understanding.  Right now there is no one and that is disturbing, in fact there has been no such person for decades.  The people of this region have lived through enough chaos but the leaders have not.  Of course the leaders do not have to live in the chaos of poverty, bullets, tear gas, starvation and to be voiceless. 
As I write this I know what it will take to solve these issues but I also know that the leaders of the world do not have the courage, nor the stamina to ensure peace for the people of this region.  The leaders themselves are stuck in rhetoric, revenge, pride and violence.  These are dangerous elements in which civilians pay heavily for. 
We need a mantra to go around the world “NO MORE WEAPONS"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Impact of corruption on USSR

We are living the impact of what corruption brings.  The European Union is at the verge of collapse, China owns the Republic of the United States of America (RUSA), people are in the process of governmental purging – all due to corruption, waste, mismanagement and poor leadership in Syria, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt.  The Occupy movement is making a stand but needs to regroup.  Perhaps the Occupy movement should pool their entire resources and purchase a multinational corporation.  Aside from that the complete picture of corruption around the world is showing its face.
The current situation makes me think of the USSR during the 1980’s.  The level of corruption and mismanagement was so bad that the politicians at the time felt it necessary to close the doors on the USSR and open up as Russia, thus came Glasnost and Perestroika. 
During the 1990’s I paid a great deal of time and focus in Russian history.  Mostly because I felt that the people of Russia and Canada formed a bold and daring relationship, starting in 1972.  Also the friendship was enriched through diplomatic avenues.  Furthermore, I was impressed with the courage that the Russian people exuded to embrace realities they saw during the 1980’s.
Now the issue of the cold war will always be linked to glasnost as it should because the Russian leaders knew that the world was dead if things continued without change.  Knowing that there was going to be no honest co-operation from the RUSA, acting unilaterally, Russia set out to build a more peaceful world.  They began by telling the world that the cold war pursuits were insane.  Then they looked internally to the realities within their country. 
Politicians were blinded by realities of infighting and personal goals within the USSR.  These two components ripped the fabric of any cause for unity within the governing system of the USSR.  A whole sale change was needed to end the corruption and so it began.  A courageous step into the unknown, which is still being worked out.  A greater act of peace is difficult to find.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

99% rant

There comes a time when you just have enough bullshit.  Now the average person would just throw more bullshit back, mainly due to the fact that they have no clue as to how such actions only worsen a situation – thus the spiral of chaos into war.
The 99% has supported the 1%.  It is the 99% that buys all the garbage and demands all the services.  If the occupy movement gives in now the 1% have won.  I admit that at the outset I did not feel the Occupy movement was going to amount to much.  My reason is mostly because the physical occupation of parks and squares is not an easy task, when the temperature swing is -25 to -40 C for weeks on end.  That alone will be the 1% advantage.  However I understand the cause and do support the need for a rethink.  In context, the 99% fight was the cause of the French revolution and assisted in a Republic of the United States to be born. 
Taking the historical context and fast forward to today, the 99% are again fighting to stop the elite from plundering/hoarding the riches.  As I study this reoccurrence I have a realization that it is not the system at fault, it is the people that operate the system.  A benevolent dictator would never be overthrown.
Just to throw some shit around, here is some wild accusations/arguments to ponder:
The Occupy movement is being dismantled in many cities due to a number of reasons.  In most media those that call for an end to the Occupy movement state that the point was made now go home.  To follow the same line of argument but to an extreme (almost insane) we have made the point that murder is not acceptable yet we continue to fight that.  To an even greater degree of insanity the Occupy movement is in agreement with the ideology concerning capitalism as Osama Bin Laden.  Now those are connections and statements that could get a person fired and alienated. 
As an expert in peace, knowing many possible consequences is vital.  What really starts to piss me off is that for all the wisdom people throw around about communication, the application of such wisdom is rare. 
“You made your point now go home.”
That statement alone indicates the point was not even close to being heard.  In fact that statement will only entrench a faction of the occupation and what will be the consequences?  Such a statement may be the spark to ignite a single person such as Osama Bin Laden.  That is what an expert in peace operations must contend with.  Does the US share any responsibility for assisting Bin Laden?
Ultimately this divide between people is created by us.  At the outset the ideology behind such actions were hoped to provide a peaceful end.  That is the hope of any system we put in place.  The system fails when we get lazy, greedy and distant.  As we alienate each other we build false realities which will crumble and then we start to blame, hate, judge and demand adherence of everyone else but ourselves.  That is the bullshit I am tired of.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Isreal and Palestine, what a mess

“When the United Nations General Assembly voted on November 29, 1947, to partition British Mandatory Palestine into two states — a Jewish and an Arab state — joint American and Soviet support for this policy represented an extraordinary case of Great Power concordance.”, writes Shlomo Avineri, Professor of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in a publication for the 2010 Halifax Forum.
That decision to separate a state without the support of that state to be separated is authoritarian rule at its finest.  There is no limit to how stupid we can act at times and this first mistake made by the United Nations is proof, here is the vote break down:
In favour: 33
Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussian S.S.R., Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukrainian S.S.R., Union of South Africa, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Uruguay, Venezuela.
Against: 13
Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen.
Abstained: 10
Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia.
You will notice that the majority of those against are in the region and they knew it was a bad idea.  Too late to go back now.  With each passing day I am slowly seeing that a two state solution is no longer viable.  There has to be a new image of the future, perhaps a one state solution.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A nations identity

My understanding of identity hinges on a reality in that no other nation or group is a threat.  I also understand that a good portion of life is insane which needs to be tempered.  Furthermore, the sane are capable to lapse the other way at times.  This is the puzzle of life that we all try to balance personally and as nations.  How that balance is performed will be judged by others and as I judge myself as well. 
Russia sees the situation in Syria as a civil war.  As must the political leaders in my home Canada, agree with Russia.   By stating Syria is experiencing civil war, the legal scales point to no intervention. 
Had Russia said they feel the situation is an international situation it would set the basis for legal obligation to involve the Security Council (even more that it is) and then doing something.  Ultimately the decision about such a situation is; having moral acceptance then knowing when to step in with.  The world is not ready to step in.

What do such actions say about the  character of the nations?  There are a great many areas of conflict and to stop all of them is a goal, rarely achieved.  On a judgement issue, the moment when it is necessary to kill another human is a very disgusting moment with no other option.  At that moment you have stepped into a world of insanity.

When that insanity is over, all we can hope is that the balancing act is performed perfectly.  Which ,will be indicated by no one seeing your reasons for taking such actions as cause for fear.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Immigration policy

As an expert for alternative dispute resolution, I am emboldened to promote a society that can evolve through the use of discussion, education and understanding.  Such experts or professional are there to allow for differences of opinion to exist.  Even though these differences have the impact which can divide, we must work to ensure that these differences are strengths not weaknesses.

Canada is seen around the world as a society where differences are seen as a strength.  Multiculturalism has taken a large hit in the past few years with both Germany and the UK declaring their efforts as failing.  Here in Canada we have also sounded the same alarm yet not as loudly.  The statements that call multiculturalism a failure ignore the reality that the world is multicultural.  What has failed is our capacity to resolve our differences and allow tensions to boil over to uncontrollable levels.  What can we do to ensure that we do not fail to emulate the reality of the world?

One step is to evolve the current education we provide.  Within the past twenty years we have made great strides to deliver communication skills in schools.  Through programs such as peer mediation, anti-bully and cultural awareness the tools of understanding are being offered.  Although these programs are available we can do a better job.  There is also another front which is just as important to ensure peace is sustained in our society.  That front is the process in which new Canadians go through to obtain citizenship. 

Often the popular speak of how our society changes deals with the fact that others come into Canada and carry their issues with them.  This sentiment goes back a very long way.  It was at its height with the Air India bombing.  In that terrorist attack, which is still the largest terrorist act on Canadian soil, people from India carried their war to Canada.  Still to this day we wrestle with how and why conflicts far away can be fought on our streets.  To think that we will stop every incident is beyond naïve.  However, as stated in the opening paragraph, we professionals of dispute resolution must educate others on how to peacefully coexist.

As professionals we should be lobbying government to introduce conflict resolution programs to those seeking citizenship.  We are currently changing the immigration program in Canada and now is a time to try a few different things.  By offering such a program we will be instituting the three tenets of our society, peace, order and good government.  We will be offering new Canadians a skill that is needed, wanted and if so desired taken back to assist in peacebuilding.  We can teach others how and why it is needed for as many cultures to exist as possible.

Anyway, I can dream.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Corruption of mind

Every second is a step into the future.  Each step you make, hopefully, is a secure step.  We all seek security and security of soul, mind and body are challenged daily.  In one scope, each child we have is a step into the future.  What are we doing globally.

 “Today youth constitutes not only a sizable population but also a very high percentage of the literate and educated group in most of the developing countries”[1]  Corruption has many elements and the mental element must take place before any other.  In terms of psychology the rational we encounter is one where, “People perpetuating corrupt acts engage in “rationalizing tactics”—describing their actions in such a way that they do not appear to be unethical at all.”[2]  This rationalization allows people to comprehend their actions as normal.  Furthermore, unethical behaviour can be understood as cultural relativism.

Cultural relativism explains certain actions that are okay for some but not for others.  For example female genital cutting is practiced, in some societies human sacrifices were also performed and were accepted.  Each of those examples can be defended as cultural actions based on beliefs.  Within that belief is a mental understanding and acceptance that is learned.  As we progress further into the realm of corruption we can equate cultural relativism to the decision of those that get involved in corruption.  Linking that understanding to corruption, “People who have engaged in corrupt acts excuse their actions to themselves, by viewing their crimes as non-criminal, justified, or part of a situation which they do not control.”[3]

To frame the act of corruption is to say that people engage in it because they are doing what they feel is deserved to themselves.  In some mental calculation the corrupt acts are thought of a justifiable and in fact necessary to achieve a desired outcome that will eventually benefit the whole of society.  This is the same mental process that went through the minds of people who engaged in human sacrifices.

Today the issue of corruption has come to the very top of world news.  People that live in countries where political leaders are being ousted have labeled corruption as a main point of concern.  Tunisia and Egypt have already replaced their leaders and other countries are trying to do the same.  At the core of these revolutions rests the hope for a just society where the youth can foresee a positive future.  There are a number of issues that work in tandem for which the people are rallying against, corruption is one such issue.  
As we have looked at both economic and political corruption there are two methods to combat corruption and that is with education and strong governance.  “Without transparency, accountability and the rule of law, corruption flourishes.”[4]    As we see the many countries around the world fall due to corruption it must be noted that education and governance do not flourish overnight. 
“Post-conflict development needs to reduce corruption, facilitate effective governance and promote environmentally sound, socially equitable, economically robust sustainable development that requires re-evaluation of the appropriateness of the existing policies, strategies, legal and regulatory frameworks and institutional arrangements, and adjust accordingly.”[5]

“In Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Algeria and Yemen, the violent demonstrations are largely driven by the stifled generation of the Arab baby boom: 100 million young people 15 to 29 years old who make up 30 per cent of the Middle East's population.  Their hopes and ambitions have been frustrated by corruption, high unemployment, lack of political freedom, soaring costs of living and growing income inequality – and their leaders have been unable and unwilling to invest in solutions to these problems.”[6]

From the above quotes we learn that the people have lost hope of a better future if things do not change.  “Education is the key component to reconstruction in post-ethnic conflict settings. It is a country’s “single most important social, economic and political resource. Schools educate youth for future employment, socialize children to ensure integration and active involvement in their communities, prepare them for productive participation as a citizen in their country and transmit those values and beliefs deemed to be important by their society”[7]
In order to have societies where violence is rare we need to support youth empowerment “inclusion in development by expanding the capacities of and opportunities for youth groups to initiate and participate in community and local development initiatives.”[8]

[1] Gale, Faye and Stephanie Fahey (editors).  Youth In Transition.  UNESCO, Bangkok. 2005. Pg., 13
[2] Anand, Vikas, Blake E. Ashforth and Mahendra Joshi.  Business as usual: The acceptance and perpetuation of corruption in organizations.  Academy of Management Executive, 2005, Vol. 19, No. 4.  Pg., 10.
[3] Anand, Vikas, Blake E. Ashforth and Mahendra Joshi.  Business as usual: The acceptance and perpetuation of corruption in organizations.  Academy of Management Executive, 2005, Vol. 19, No. 4.  Pg., 10.
[4] Ghani, Seema.  An Accountable State with Strong Civil Society.  Development Outreach, World Bank Vol. 11 No. 2, Oct 2009.    Pg., 43.
[5] Edited by Ghimire, Safal, Bishnu Raj Upreti, Sagar Raj Sharma and kailash Nath Pyakuryal. The Remake of a State: Post-Conflict challenges and State Building in Nepal. NCCR North-South, Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre, Katmandu University. 2010. pg. 131.
[6] Ghafour, Hamida.  Enough! Why thousands of young Arabs have taken to the streets in protest.  The Globe And Mail, Jan. 28, 2011.
[7] Coles, Emily, "The Importance of Education Systems in Post-Conflict Settings: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH)" (2011).
Honors Projects. Paper 10.
[8] Barron, Patrick.  Community Driven Development in Post-Conflict and Conflict-affected Areara.  2011 World Development Report.  March 2011.  Pg. 8.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ignorance/uncaring allows Corruption

The last few postings have been about UNESCO funding and weapons trading.  It may not seem like these two have much in common but as I have stated before I look for such broad connections.  The common factor here that ties UNESCO funding and weapons trade together is the exact situation Palestine lives with.  The situation deals with, corruption, war, oppression and dichotomy of law.
First of all we have to live with the fact that there is a two tiered law system (if not more).  The only reason that this situation exist is due to ignorance and uncaring.  For example, The legality of NATO entering Yugoslavia during 1995 has always been a legal debatable issue from the outset.  So too has Russia in Georgia, Britain in the Falkland Islands and USA in Iraq (2001) have each been circumvented around international law and the Securioty Council.  This is the dichotomy of a two tiered system that exists.  This two tiered system allows for corruption to reign, weapons to be sold and ultimately lives lost and/or seriously altered.
If you deal with any issue of injustice you are dealing with corruption that continues to take place through ignorance or sadly a severe lack of concern for a peaceful world.  For whatever reason, at some point the laws are not adhered to.  I firmly believe we have enough law to enforce any activity that takes place.  What we lack is the will to enforce these laws and the complete disregard of law.
Recently, 3 Nov 2010 Viktor Bout was convicted of selling weapons to a terrorist organization.  That in itself is not going to do much to end the violence of war.  What is more important is for the countries that produce weapons to stop or at least do a better job to monitor the life of each weapon and ammunition produced then sold.  The sale, training  and use of these weapons are mere steps to the impact that these weapons will have and it will last for many years to come.  
Looking at the countries that are listed in the bottom ten of the UNDP Human Development Index(HDI), most have experienced long violent wars.  The Democratic Republic of Congo has endured a violent society since the 1950’s and sits at the bottom of the 2011 Human Development Index.  So does Sierra Leone, Liberia, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger and Burundi.  There is a direct link to illegal weapons trade and trade in resources such as minerals, oil, drugs and slave trading to name a few.
Compare the bottom ten of the UNDP HDI with the Transparency International (TI) list of most corrupt countries and you will notice some duplication.  In the TI list, the bottom ten include Chad, Burundi and Equatorial Guinea.  Also included on the TI list are Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and Myanmar.  Each of these countries has/is experiencing violent war. 
Now I am not that naïve to think these wars take place because weapons are available.  I do think these wars are prolonged due to the trade in weapons and resources.  These wars are also prolonged due to a significant lack of accountability on the part of the entire world.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Merchant of Death, Viktor Bout

Viktor Bout
This man has been sitting in a jail cell for the last year while governments work to have him extradited.  When Bout was detained there was no agreement between the countries (United States, Russia )that wanted him and the country that held him (Thailand).  He sat in jail until those agreements could be made legal.  The second the agreement was made Viktor Bout was off to the United States for trial on charges against him for weapons dealing.
Viktor Bout has been named as the largest weapons dealer since 1994.  However that note of fame is very tenuous because I am sure the largest weapons dealer is the United States.  With that aside, Bout has been pointed out as the person who sold massive amounts of weapons and ammunition to warlords in Sierra Leone, Liberia, DRC, Sudan, Columbia, Indonesia, etc…    Of course he was called upon a number of times to fly in humanitarian aid for the United Nations and a host of other countries.
Viktor Bout has maintained that he is only providing transportation, which is what the many world governments were using him as, cargo carrying into hot zones.  He was able to do this because his connections made sure that his airplanes were safe.  The weird part of all this is that Viktor Bout was easily reached and had dealings with world governments.  It is only now that he is a wanted man.  The only reason he is wanted now is because he has outlived his usefulness or he is being used as a sacrificial lamb.
He is recognized as selling weapons that have killed millions of people and prolonged many wars.  Yet this one person is a shining example of how chaotic the world is;  A weapons dealer being charged by a country that has committed the exact same crime.  At least Viktor Bout has not illegally invaded another country. 
Honestly what will this do for the world?  The arms manufacturers are still making weapons, wars will still continue on and the countries that can stop the weapons trade will sit by and do nothing to stop it.  The only reason Viktor Bout could do his job rested squarely on the shoulders of governments doing nothing in the first place.  So cheer for the victory of taking one merchant of death off the streets while the devil itself roams free in the halls of the UN Security Council.
Hip Hip, shut up.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Taking away UNESCO funding

A number of countries are pulling funding away from UNESCO because UNESCO voted to have Palestine as full member.  That is what most of us would see as a democratic decision.  So why are member nations of UNESCO pulling funding? The reason for this is that these countries have determined that the path to peace follows the same path as it has for years.
Canada is one such country that has pulled it funding, as a Canadian I am disgusted with the actions taken by us.  What will be the benefit of taking away the funding dollars of UNESCO?  Will it stop the killing in that region, will it increase the economy, will the children of that area have better education, will the leaders actually solve the situation?  None of that is going to happen because funding is pulled from UNESCO, in fact the very opposite is more likely to happen. 
No wonder there is no peace in that area when the leaders of the world act in such a manner.    If you are interested at all with how the situation is going find two maps that show the political boundaries of Palestine and Isreal, one from 1947 and one for today.   
One way out of this mess is through a major disarmament process of the entire area along with an equal effort towards education of equality.  This will take at least 24 years.  However we have had this garbage fire rages on since 1947, it is time to try something other than guns, bombs, rhetoric and idiocy. 
UNESCO may just be the place to start another peace process.  Those that object to Palestine being a member of UNESCO are not willing to even try.  They are stuck in the rhetoric and eye for an eye policy.  Isreal and Palestine must find a way to peacefully live together.  UNESCO just offered a stage for these two people to work collectively on issues of science, education, culture and ultimately peace.  This offer may spark a pair of leaders that will ultimately take hold and lead the two people of both sides to peace.  What is the harm?